Remodeling Your Home to Fit Your Needs as You Age

As people age, physical needs may change. The house that you have always associated with safety and security may start to reveal hidden dangers. That doesn’t mean, however, that you need to start looking for a new place to live. The National Association of Home Builders has a specific training program for Certified Aging in Place Specialists. These experts can help you navigate the changes you need to make to your beloved home so that you can keep living there.
Specialists know that no two clients are the same. There are many different renovations that a home may need, and an individual assessment is necessary to determine exactly what changes need to happen. There are three basic categories of clients who ask for these upgrades:
- Seniors who are generally healthy, 50+ and planning ahead to adjust their home to their needs as they age
- People with progressive diseases that will significantly limit their mobility over time
- People who have had accidents and need immediate adjustments to get around their home
Each aging in place category comes with its own guidelines and challenges. By taking certification courses, designers can better serve these clients.
CAPS training teaches professionals how to determine the accommodations that are needed. They learn detailed installation techniques for accessibility upgrades so that they are both useful and up to code. Trainees also fine-tune their business management and client service skills during these courses. The certification training is designed to turn contractors into CAPS experts so that they can assist you with your home renovation from assessment all the way to installation to ensure that it is exactly what you need.
Many homeowners are opting to stay in the homes where they have raised their families and built their lives rather than moving to an assisted living facility. By making small changes to your home, you can make it a safe place to live, even as your needs change. Aging in place specialists can help you make this plan a possibility.